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Bee Pollen And The Menopause

Author: David Whittle

The benefits if bee pollen for menopause are well worth considering in your search for solutions to menopausal problems.

The Menopause

The menopause is a natural part of aging as it marks the natural biological end of a woman's reproductive years and I am sure you will agree is an important period in a woman's life.

This tends to happen on average between 45 - 55 years however, this can vary with some women. Whenever, and how it comes, it is something that women have to regrettably learn to deal with in this process of getting older.

As most women approach menopause their menstrual periods become irregular, and then the periods can then occur more often or less often.

The experiences of each women during the menopause can differ enormously however as her particular symptoms will be exclusive to her.

These experiences can range from feeling as if your whole world has been turned upside down and getting through the menopause is a struggle, to women who have more or less no symptoms at all.

However, most women will experience something that falls between these two extremes.

The most common menopause symptoms

Symptoms that occur most often are:

  •     weight gain, particularly a thickening in your middle, which is another sign of   changing hormones,
  •     difficulty concentrating, mental confusion and disorientation,
  •     hot flashes (or flushes),
  •     night sweats,
  •     irregular periods,
  •     vaginal dryness,
  •     loss of libido/sexual desire which occur when your estrogen levels drop.
  •     headaches,
  •     insomnia which has its roots in changes in your hormone levels,
  •     mood swings,
  •     fatigue,
  •     … and more!
The benefits of bee pollen for menopause

A common menopause symptom is fatigue which is caused by an insufficiency of estrogen. This is best described as a continuous and endless feeling of tiredness, weakness and lack of energy.

Bee pollen for menopause is an important consideration as it improves energy levels, and at the same time you immediately receive large amounts of nutrients compared to other food sources as the pollen is densely packed with essential nutrients.

It contains all the numerous known vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and protein and it is a natural energizer.

This also helps with the aging process. Strength increases as high as 40-50% have been recorded in those taking regular doses of bee pollen.

There have not been a lot of scientific studies about how bee pollen for menopause can help women, but there have been many studies, particularly in the USA, about the risks of HRT (hormone replacement therapy), and in particular, the numerous side effects that can often be worse than the symptoms of menopause.

Natural remedies for menpause problems

A natural remedy is well worth considering before you choose the HRT solution as it is safe and natural, and may well be the solution you are looking for to minimize your menopausal symptoms.

This approach can involve several different therapies.

Herbal remedies are the most prominent as most women find that herbal remedies are the easiest alternative treatment to follow.

A mixture of approaches is usually the most effective course to take.

Lifestyle changes combined with alternative medicine is one of the best ways to alleviate the symptoms of this hormonal imbalance.

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About the Author

David Whittle is a health expert and a long time user of natural supplements.
Visit his website today at to learn more about the bee pollen supplements that will give you a healthy life.

Visit his bee pollen supplement guide bee pollen health benefits to learn much more about the many benefits of bee pollen.

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