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Cellulite - Causes And Home Remedies

Author: Dr Easton Patrick

Cellulite, a term coined in the 1920's, describes a problem associated with skin topography. It is harmless but yet a problem, for it causes much embarrassment for many. 

When fat or lipid collects in fat cells, the enlarged cells group together and bulge out exerting pressure and dispersing and distorting connective tissues underneath the skin. 

This gives the skin a puckered, dimply, nodular and orange peel-like appearance. People of all ages can develop cellulite. Both men and women can fall prey to cellulite. 

But cellulite is more evident in women than in men, for in women, the distribution of fat cells or adipose tissue and connective tissue, differs from that in men. 

Buttocks, thighs, hip, breasts, legs, stomach and upper arms are zones where cellulite deposits usually occur. Cellulite deposits are similar to any other fat. The factors influencing cellulite development may be listed as follows:

1. Heredity
2. Obesity
3. Stress
4. Smoking
5. Alcoholism
6. Pregnancy
7. Harsh massages
8. Hormonal fluctuations
9. Faulty food habit
10. Sedentary lifestyle
11. Aging
12. Skin thickness
13. Amount and distribution of body fat

Home Remedies for Cellulite

1. Massaging cellulite zones with a mixture of equal parts of coconut oil and almond oil is an effective home remedy for cellulite.

2. Caffeine application on cellulite areas shrinks the deposits.

3. Massage with essential oils like rosemary and cedar wood is very good for curing cellulite problem.

4. Olive oil also serves as an effective rub to eradicate this problem. Castor oil massage also yields good results.

5. Mix 10 ml apple cider vinegar in to 200 ml water and pour a teaspoon of honey in to the mixture. Drink in empty stomach. This is an effective cellulite cure.

6. Knead a mixture of 3 parts of apple cider vinegar and any massage oil on to the affected region. This helps to get rid of cellulite.

7. Exercises like swimming, jogging, light stretching and free hand exercises, work-outs in gym cause cellulites to disappear.

8. Consume low fat, low carbohydrate, high nutrient and fiber rich diet. This is an effective cellulite treatment.

9. Feasting on grapefruit diet cures cellulite.

10. Drink 8-10 glasses of water to put an end to cellulite.

11. Simple kneading of cellulite zones twice daily tackles well the problem of cellulite.

12. Intake of fish oil treats cellulite effectively.

13. Smoking, alcoholism, caffeine intake, junk food should be strictly avoided.

14. Brushing of skin with gentle circular strokes disperses cellulite.

15. Meditation, listening to music, asanas should be practiced to relieve stress, because stress contributes to cellulite development.

16. Ginko biloba extracts are useful in treating cellulite.

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About the Author

Read more Home Remedies for Cellulite. Also know useful Home Remedies for Athlete Foot. Read effective Home Remedies for High Cholesterol.

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