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Coconut Oil and Candida

  by John Cielo

Coconut oil can be an effective natural remedy for Candida. But why is it so effective? And how do you take it? Continue reading to find the answers to these important questions about coconut oil.

But first, before we touch on the benefits of coconut oil, let's remind ourselves what causes Candida symptoms...

Underlying Causes of Candida

The major culprit for the symptoms you get with Candida (yeast infection) is a yeast-like fungus called Candida albicans. There are others that can cause the symptoms, but this one accounts for by far the most incidences.

Fortunately, your body's good bacteria -- bless 'em -- normally keep the fungus under strict control so that it cannot cause infections. But, unfortunately, under certain conditions the fungus can overcome them and feed and grow to such an extent that Candida infections are caused.

The major underlying causes of this are; antibiotics, a lowered immune system, some drug therapy, too much sugar in the blood, and hormonal fluctuations. Which is why it isn't enough to just treat the local symptoms -- as most drug-based treatments do -- but the underlying causes as well.

This is a key reason why women with Candida are increasingly using natural remedies to cure their infection. One of which is coconut oil...

Coconut Oil and Candida

An interesting observation is that women in the far East, in such places as the Philippines, and other places in the world where coconuts are part of their staple diet, rarely get Candida. And several research projects have shown that the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil can kill the Candida albicans fungus. So the case has been made for the use of coconut oil for Candida.

How to Take Coconut Oil for Candida

The first thing to look out for is that it is better to use virgin or extra virgin coconut oil for best results. Next, work your way up steadily to 3 to 4 tablespoons in your diet per day.

It's better to work up to this as too fast an intake can cause Candida 'die off' which makes your symptoms worse for a while. Or you can end up with other symptoms altogether. Maybe start off with just 1 teaspoon per day and add another teaspoon each day until you reach the maximum.

Now, whilst the coconut oil is fighting the fungus, you need to address other important issues, such as replenishing your gut's good bacteria. So take good probiotics. Many women consume sugar-free, fruit-free natural yogurt everyday.

In addition, you need to lower your blood sugar levels so avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates in your diet. And again, work up to this, don't crash-diet, as this could cause Candida die off symptoms.

If you follow the above coconut oil diet you should have success...

But there's a whole host of natural remedies and dietary advice out there, ready and waiting for you to get the full benefits. And thousands of women around the world have managed to cure their Candida and prevent its return using these kinds of natural cures.

So next, to discover what these women know, that you don't, about beating Candida permanently without expensive drugs with their horrible side effects -- some in as little as 12 hours -- go now to and get the facts.

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Tea Tree Oil for Acne Relief

Author: James J Clarkson

The world is fast waking up to the wonders of tea tree oil. The famous beauty brand "The Body Shop" has an entire line of products made from tea tree oil. These products are very helpful in preventing blemishes. 

They deeply purify and cleanse your skin along with absorbing excess oil. Body Shop is one of the many companies that have woken up to the amazing uses of Tea tree oil especially for acne.

Tea tree leaves were earlier used as a substitute for tea, which is how tree oil got its name. The Tea Tree oil is obtained from steam distillation of the leaves of the tree Melaleuca alternifolia. 

Among the 100 compounds contained in the oil terpinen-4-ol mainly accounts for most of the antimicrobial actions. This tree is native to the New South Wales located in Australia.

Tea Tree oil was used in Australia as a potent antiseptic much before any scientific research. However the recent studies support use of tea tree oil in skin care and various aliments including acne, dandruff, toenail infection, fungal infection, and Athlete's foot. 

It is also used in toothpaste, mouthwashes, soaps and shampoos all over the world. It is also used to cure flu, cough and to clear congestion.

Tea Tree Oil Acne Treatment

Tea tree oil contains terepinen-4-ol that is mostly responsible for its antimicrobial properties. This helps in killing the harmful bacteria. Using tea tree oil to acne lesion helps to kill Propionibacterium acnes, the skin-dwelling bacteria that is responsible for causing acne.

Tea tree oil is very effective in treatment of moderate acne. A random trial was done to prove this by the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Department of Dermatology on 124 people. 

This trail compared the effectiveness and tolerance of 5% tea tree oil and 5% benzoyl peroxide. The results showed that there was significant reduction using tea tree oil, albeit with slower onset of action.

Even though tea tree oil took more time in showing results, there were fewer side effects like burning, itching, dryness and stinging that benezoyl peroxide group showed.

Another study in 2007 on 60 patients with mild to moderate acne vulgaris also gave notably better results than placebo.

Using Tea Tree Oil for Acne

Unadulterated tea tree oil should not be applied to acne lesion as it causes burning, itching, dryness, redness, skin irritation and even blistering. The concentration that is advised is 5% tea tree oil gel which can be applied to effected areas.

To make 5% tea tree oil solution mix 5 parts of tea tree oil to 95 parts of water (5cc of 100% tea tree oil to 95cc of water).

Brenda Harper, Calfornian aesthetician uses it on a regular basis with clients who experience acne, with "wonderful results,". She recommends application of Glycolic acid after dabbing tea tree oil on the affected areas and waiting for 15 minutes.

While tea tree oil is safe, as long as not used internally. Data on oral use of tea tree oil is very little and reports of side effects of oral ingestion.

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How to Prevent Oxidative Stress

by Matthew Keegan

Oxygen is necessary for humans. To breathe as well as product energy, our bodies require the use of oxygen. Organisms known as free radicals are produced as our bodies use oxygen. 

Oxidative stress is caused when these free radicals interact with the various cells in our bodies and essentially damage those cells. As a result the cell's membrane, proteins and even genes are affected. Many disease and even the aging process are linked to oxidative stress. 


Your body uses anti-oxidants to combat oxidative stress and work against the free radicals that can cause potential damage. Genetic makeup affects the amount of anti-oxidants your body produces. Some external factors also influence it including smoking, diet and pollution.

Lifestyle Plays a Part

The amount of anti-oxidants we produce and how much oxidative stress we are under relies in large part on our lifestyle. You will not produce as many anti-oxidants if your diet is not up to par and your bodies will come under more oxidative stress. This makes you more susceptible to disease and other problems.

Another activity that makes you more susceptible to oxidative stress is smoking, so you should either quit smoking or at the very least slow down. Today there are many drugs and products available to help you stop smoking. When you think of how many years you could add to your life, quitting smoking won't be easy but it is worth it.

Diet is Important

The anti-oxidants our bodies produce are not sufficient to get rid of all the free radicals in our bodies unfortunately. However, in the foods we eat for instance, there are more anti-oxidants available to us. 

You should include more anti-oxidant rich foods in your diet to increase the amount of anti-oxidants in your body and to decrease the amount of oxidative stress you are under. Some of these foods include tomatoes, carrots, tea and citrus fruits. Taking a multi-vitamin daily in order to combat oxidative stress is also a good idea.

We can better protect ourselves from many diseases such as cancer if we increase the amount of anti-oxidants in our bodies to help combat the free radicals and eliminate oxidative stress. 

By better protecting ourselves with eating better, quitting smoking and just living a healthy lifestyle we can hope to stay disease free and age more gracefully to have both a long and healthy life.

Matthew Keegan is an expert on Oxidative Stress.

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Finding a Natural Stress Relief

By: Matthew Keegan

Consider where you naturally turn for stress relief. Is it a bar, the TV or Krispy Kreme. Many of the places and things people turn to for stress relief are not natural stress relief.

A Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle can give natural stress relief. Ways to find natural stress relief include eating good healthy food, spending time with friends and getting some enjoyable exercise and fresh air.

You should have a diet that is complex in carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables while being low in fat to have a good, healthy diet. Any fat you eat should be "good" fat, or foods that are rich in omega-3 oils and antioxidants.

People talked about the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet a few years ago. There was less cardiovascular disease and cancer in people who lived in Mediterranean countries than the people in the US, even though they have more fat and calories in their diets. It was found that the Mediterranean diet consisted of plenty of complex carbs, fruits, vegetables and monosaturated omega-3 oils. In addition they had a little nice red wine which is high in antioxidants along with love and laughter, time spent with family and friends. That is a recipe for natural stress relief.

Natural stress relief can also be gained by enjoyable exercise. This doesn't mean goal oriented or competitive exercise. Rather it means a nice walk in the evening, skiing on a sunny winter day or just tossing a Frisbee with the kids. With these exercises you don't have to monitor your pulse or worry about the amount of time spent exercising. While doing something that moves your body you simply need to relax and enjoy yourself.

Natural stress relief can also be provided through loving relationships and spiritual practices. In fact the most important factors in developing stress resistance are friendships and spirituality.

Health Care and Natural Stress Relief

Some you may still be stressed out even when living a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes you will need help to deal with the large amount of stress in life. Sometimes you may need to find help from a health care provider.

Natural methods and remedies aren't very big in traditional western medicine. When getting help for stress from a physician they may have some good ideas about lifestyle changes, but typically anything they prescribe to help the situation won't be natural.

Natural stress relief methods are more likely to be used by alternative health care providers. To help relax your muscles and make sure your spine is adjusted there are massage therapists and chiropractors. Scents that are most likely to help relieve your stress can be found through aroma therapists. To help relieve stress you can also consider color therapy since some color are soothing and others are stressful. You can get advice about stress relieving plants through herbalists.

A naturopath is an alternative practitioner who uses a full range of therapies for natural stress relief. Just like doctors, naturopaths go to four years of professional school and many of them are also certified medical doctors. Physical therapies, herbs, nutritional therapy and many other methods are used by naturopaths to help you deal with your stress. Perhaps the best aspect is the fact that they help teach you what you uniquely need to learn so you can find natural stress relief.

The foundation of natural stress relief is living a healthy lifestyle. To deal with stress your physician can help too. However, an alternative care practitioner may be the best answer if you are looking for natural stress relief.

Coconut Water: The Natural Hangover Elixir

by Lizzi Loraine

Coconut Water is a natural fat free drink and has the ability to rehydrate your body, besides providing you some necessary minerals, such as potassium and sodium.

Coconut water has no artificial additives and contains significant amounts of electrolytes, while being low in food energy. Coconut water is therefore not only a very refereshing drink, it has proved to be the best natural hangover cure.

Coconut water is the liquid found inside young green coconuts and differs from coconut milk. As the coconut matures, this liquid gets absorbed into the nuts flesh. 

Coconut water is a popular drink in tropical regions, such as Tropical Asia and Trinidad and Tobago. It is found and sold in Central America on strategic highway stops and beaches. In this region coconut water is called "agua de pipa.

The various minerals and healthy bacterial present in coconut water enable our body to recover from rigorous exercise, making this drink far superior to other sports drinks. 

Fresh cocunut water also helps in digestion, optimizes muscle performance, boosts our immune system and blood circulation, besides helping maintain body temperature.

Coconut water: good remedy for dehydration

Dehydration is quite common after you have partied all night or drank too much. Since alcohol is a diuretic, i.e. something that makes you urinate, you need to hydrate your body through the consumption of a lot of fluids.

Coconut water is one of the most effective ways of rehydrating the body. Consumption of a large quanity of alcohol in a dehydrated state results in a hangover. The main symptoms of a hangover are headache, nausea and vomitting. And the best remedy is to consume liquids with electroytes.

Too much alcohol also has a negative impact on several of your body parts. Your kidneys, liver, stomach and small intestines fall prey to the adverse impact of alcohol and result in problems such as electrolyte imbalances, gastrointestinal disturbances, disruption of sleep, among other things. The need to quickly restore the body to optimal hydration is therefore irrefutable.

Coconut water, although a little known cure for hangovers, has several other beneficial properties:

- it is a natural isotonic beverage because of the significant amount of electrolytes it contains

- improves our digestive system

- encourages bowel movement

- helps in prevention of bacterial, viral and fungal infections

- keeps the body cool while maintaining adequate temprature

- aids in healthy functioning of the thyroid

- has a cleansing effect on the whole endocrine system

- clears your complexion

- is even safe for infants

Lizzi Loraine is a writer and writes for health magazines. She suggests O.N.E. Coconut Water for hangover cure. It has no additives and has ability to hydrate you body.

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Apple Cider Vinegar To Fight Heart Burn

By Darrell Miller

Strange as it may seem, apple cider vinegar can be used to fight heart burn, even though that type of vinegar is composed of acetic acid the same as any other. It wouldn't seem logical to use an acid to alleviate a condition caused by excess acidity in the stomach, but all will be clear shortly.

First, let's have a look at what cider apple vinegar is, and what health benefits it can impart to the body. There is more to the old maxim regarding an apple a day than most appreciate. Although an orange has more vitamin C, apples have a lot going for them. 

They not only contain the soluble dietary fiber and prebiotic pectin, that can help reduce blood cholesterol levels, but are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Many consider apple cider vinegar the form of the apple that provides its ultimate health benefits.

Hippocrates himself has written of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar and used it for the benefits to health that it imparted. That goes back almost 2400 years, to an age when the biochemistry of the body was unheard of and even the alchemists had yet to work their magic. There was no surprise then that an acid could be used to increase the alkalinity of the body since the terms had yet to be understood, let alone invented.

The later applications of vinegar followed a path that would be expected of a substance recognized as a form of medicine, and it has been poured over wounds to sterilize them from early in history, and by people of the 14th and 17th centuries to protect themselves against the Black Death and the Great Plague respectively. It was believed by people in these times that the disease was transferred by breathing in the 'ill vapors' and that a vinegar-soaked cloth over the face would protect them.

Many people, associate vinegar with 'bad wine' or solutions of acetic acid, generally 5%. But how is real cider apple vinegar produced? All vinegar has acetic acid as its key ingredient. The reason that it can be produced from wine is that acetic acid is produced naturally by the fermentation of ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, the main alcoholic product of the fermentation of sugars. 

If the fermentation of wine is allowed to continue after the sugar has been used up, then the yeast will act on the ethanol and convert it to acetic acid. In fact the word comes from the old French 'vin aigre' or 'sour wine', due to it resulting from the undesirable continuing fermentation of wine.

The concentration varies according to the use it is put, though commercial pickling vinegars can be distilled to any required concentration of acetic acid. 

Apple cider vinegar is obtained by the over-fermentation of apple must usually used for cider, and can be obtained either the clear filtered form, or unfiltered with a hazy light brownish color. Although the manufactured distilled vinegars consist of acetic acid at various concentrations, natural vinegars contain by-products of the fermentation process such as citric and tartaric acids.

However, none of this explains why apple cider vinegar should help to cure heartburn. The first thing you should keep in mind is that this type of vinegar has some nutritional value that will be explained later, but also that it is less bitter than many other types of vinegar and many enjoy drinking it with a small amount of honey as an energy pick-me-up and also to prevent various digestive problems that it appears to alleviate such as bloating and diarrhoea.

The reason that many people experience heartburn is due to the body finding that that the acidity of the stomach is lower than it should be to digest a meal. There might be several reasons for the body believing this, such as drinking too much milk during the meal and thereby neutralizing some of the acid while also introducing more fat to be digested. The body reacts by injecting more acid into the stomach. Excessively spicy foods or alcohol can cause the same effect.

Stomach acid is concentrated hydrochloric acid that is very corrosive and can even dissolve a nail. If your stomach is slightly full, the acid causes a slight, but not full, reflux and you get the burning sensation known as heartburn due to the corrosive effects of the very strong acid on the esophagus, which is not protected by the stomach lining that is designed to withstand it.

Sometimes the excessive acid in your stomach will cause the bottom of the esophagus to open, allowing some of the stomach contents into the esophagus giving the horrible burning sensation. That sensation is acid corrosion of your body tissue, but it is rapidly repaired and does no lasting damage unless it is chronic when you have to see your doctor.

Since heartburn is caused by excess acidity then, it will seem strange that you can use an acid to alleviate it. However, keep in mind that your heartburn is due to the body (brain) being convinced that there is insufficient acid in your stomach. If you introduce a weak acid, then you can convince your brain that the acid has been brought to a satisfactory level and so it will stop sending signals to the stomach lining cells that secrete the HCl.

If you remember what I asked you to remember above, regarding the traditional uses of apple cider vinegar and how easy it is to drink, then that vinegar is the ideal acid to take. It floods the stomach with acetic acid and signals pass back and forth between the stomach wall to the brain and back again to the effect that the stomach has enough acid and so no more hydrochloric acid need be secreted.

Had you treated it with milk or even an antacid, it would have worked initially, but eventually the signal would be initiated and the lining would secrete more HCl. With an antacid that can occur after the stomach contents have been passed on, but although it has had its effect, your food will have been poorly digested, and so the better remedy is likely not an alkaline antacid but a weak acid such as apple cider vinegar.

That's how it works, but what other benefits does it bring to you. For starters it is a good source of potassium which is essential to maintain a proper cardiac rhythm. Potassium can also help to maintain a good blood pressure, and it is necessary for healthy nails, hair and teeth, and also helps to repair damage to soft tissues and to allow cells to repair internal tissue loss.

Potassium is an essential mineral, although there is normally sufficient in a healthy diet. However, if somebody is displaying the symptoms of potassium deficiency then this form of vinegar can help to resolve the problem. The elderly especially can benefit from a regular dose.

Other than its antiseptic effect, the most common popular use of apple cider vinegar, however, is to fight heart burn and in that respect it is very effective, even if it seems a bit of a paradox.

More information on apple cider vinegar for heart burn is available at VitaNet ®, LLC Health Food


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Beets for Your Gallbladder

Author: Gallbladder Help

If you are having gall bladder problems, such as gall stones, adding beets to your diet can help. Beets help thin your bile to break down gall bladder sludge, small gall stones, and to clean out your liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts. Beets have a number of beneficial ingredients:

Fiber: The soluble fiber in beets helps "keep things moving" through the body, an excellent component for gallbladder health.

Betaine: This compound stimulates liver functioning and protects the gallbladder, liver, and bile ducts.

High quality iron: This element helps clean the body of toxins.

What kinds of beets should I eat?

Foremost, try to buy organic beets. As they are tap roots, beets easily absorb chemicals in the soil, especially in their skin. After that, any variety of beet is good for you. Most think of the classic red beet root, the Red Ace, but there are other varieties as well such as: Burpee's Golden (which is yellow inside), the India beet (which is less sweet than the Western beet), and the Albina Veredura (which is white inside).

How do I eat beets?

There are many ways to prepare beets.

Steamed: One of the easiest is to steam them until a knife inserts easily into the body of the beet. Once this is done, cool the beet under some cold water and pull the skin off (which should happen very easily.)

You should wear gloves as your hands will get very red holding and peeling the beet. Cut off the tap root and top if you haven't already, and slice or dice the beet into the size that works best for you. You can keep the beets for a week or so in the fridge, and eat them anyway you want: with some flaxseed oil and vinegar, with a sprinkle of salt, or any a multitude of beet recipes.

Baked: Preheat an oven to 400 degrees. Wash the beets well and place them on a sheet of aluminum foil. Drizzle them with olive oil, and sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper on them. Wrap them up tightly in the foil and bake them for an hour. When done, rub the skins off w/ some paper towels, and enjoy.

Raw/Shredded: Peel the beets if they are not organic, and feel free to keep the skin on if they are organic. Then, simply grate the beet on a shredder. Add the shredded beets to salads, sandwiches, or soups.

Marinated: Cook the beets and then marinate them in a fitting marinade.

Whatever your taste, there is surely a beet recipe that will be tasty and great for your gallbladder.

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About the Author

Gallbladder Diet writes about eating a healthy gall bladder diet for

Chaste Tree Berry

Author: Stephanie Singer

Coming from Southern Europe, Chaste Tree berry also called “monk’s pepper” having a botanical name of Vitex agnus castus from the Verbenaceae family group of plants is a huge flowering shrub having an aromatic odor that actually reaches about twenty feet in height. The flowers habitually bloom in the course of late summer or early fall with flowers ranging from lilac to blue and white.

The name Chaste tree berry came from a belief that the plant promoted chastity since monks from the Middle Ages use this tree to lessen sexual desire as well as wards off evil. The same as some other herbal plants, chaste berry tree provides people loads of health benefits and particularly most effective if utilized for many months or a year depending on individual s preference.

Chaste tree berry has been confirmed to have effects on the pituitary gland which generates the female sex hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. This can lead to the reducing of prolactin release, bringing about the reduction of milk production.

Through a clinical practice, the results revealed that chaste berry has settled down the particular abnormal menstrual cycle as well as the hormone levels of prolactin and progesterone. For that reason, this was applied as a remedy to ailments in connection with extreme prolactin in the body.

Because it can stabilize hormone levels, this can also be helpful pertaining to premenopausal women having abnormally short cycles, people that have heavy monthly period bleeding or perhaps after the discontinuation of contraceptive pills.

Some other helpful benefit would be the reduction of symptoms related to premenstrual syndrome caused by excessive prolactin levels. Reports have also shown that a female who uses this herb regularly feels less breast tenderness and pressure, bloating, as well as fatigue.

Chaste tree berry also has anti androgenic, an effect which means that this kind of herb is used to manage acne in both males and females. Additionally it also decreases an overactive libido. Chaste berry trees are also used in the herbal treatment of women with mild corpus luteum which is the reason behind their infertility. Some studies also have shown that this herb aids in combating breast cancer, controls libido, decrease appetite, reduce flatulence, as well as enhances sleep.

Everyone of us must remember that the value of herbal goods such as Chaste Tree berry powder should be the best, so that the best advantages of attempting out these types of remedies would be acquired compared to those artificial medicines that individuals acquire in the drug store.

Furthermore, there are several points that one should consider prior to trying out a herbal cure. These factors include persons who are going to take the herbs, his or her purpose, the age of the product being tried and the degree of potency and form of the herb.

It comes in numerous types similar to tablets, powders, liquids and also tea nonetheless it gives the same amount of effectiveness to take care of the above issues. Chaste tree berry, a medicinal plant consists of all crucial elements that are certainly a remedy to a person’s problem. It is better to uncover more about this plant through constant research in order to discover more advantages of this beneficial plant.

Author Resource: Chaste Tree Berry provides inexpensive hormone stabilizing and health boosting benefits to those who use it regularly. To find out more about this and other bulk dried herbs, visit More Than Alive - an online store and trusted resource for family health information.

How to Stop Panic Attacks Naturally and Fast Without Medication

Author: John Cielo

More and more people with panic disorder are searching for answers on how to stop panic attacks fast without medication. Here you'll discover a natural technique to help you stop anxiety attacks fast...

Typically, physicians will prescribe drugs such as tranquilizers, antidepressants and even beta-blockers. But these can have some pretty nasty side effects, and besides, people are increasingly worried about taking these types of drugs. So they are looking for ways to stop panic attacks that are natural.

Such solutions do exist and one particular technique to prevent panic/anxiety attacks naturally is discussed here. But, before going into that, you really need to understand some home truths about panic attacks and why you may keep on getting them...


Your first panic anxiety attack is a pivotal moment in your life. And I say that because of the effect on your behaviour following that horrendous first event. The emotional turmoil you go through during a panic attack is absolutely overwhelming. It happens so suddenly and so unexpectedly that it leaves you totally bewildered and frightened.

But here's the thing; there is no reason why you should suffer more attacks. So why, once having had a panic attack, do so many victims end up having repeat attacks over time? The reason is that a panic / anxiety attack is just so terrible that it leaves an imprint of fear in your psyche; the fear of having another attack. And it's this very fear of another panic attack that triggers the other attacks. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy because fear is such a powerful emotion.

If you can just take on board, and truly believe, that there is no real reason why you should suffer repeated panic (anxiety) attacks, and that it's your own fear of them that actually delivers them, you can stop panic attacks from blighting your life.


If you suffer from repeated attacks then not only are you suffering emotionally and physically during them, they are seriously damaging your whole way of life.

Sufferers of panic disorder find it difficult to live normal lives. For example, some can't face going to work for fear of having an attack. Others can't go shopping, won't go in elevators (lifts), won't cross bridges, won't use public transport, are scared of driving, scared of flying, can't go to restaurants, and so on.

And many sufferers actually hide their problem from other family members, close friends and work colleagues. This is usually done out of a misplaced notion that these attacks are somehow a sign of 'weakness,' a personality flaw, or even a mental illness. You need to know that they are none of these. Panic attacks are a behavioral issue, nothing else, which means that they can be stopped.

So, if you're like most panic disorder victims, you feel isolated. You live in constant fear of embarrassing yourself in front of people. People don't understand how you feel. You eventually end up in a solitary shell of your own making. You know you can't go on like this, but your don't know how to break out of this negative anxiety cycle. Which you must do if you are to get your life back...


The first thing is that concealing your disorder from those around you means that they cannot help you. If you share it with your family at least, perhaps they'll begin to understand why you have stopped leading the life you once did. And if they get a better understanding of the issues and the way you feel, they can help you get through this. You'll certainly won't feel so isolated. Why not show them this article?

The next thing is to do the opposite of what you are tending to do right now. Right now you are running away from your fear (of an attack). In other words, you won't put yourself in a position where an attack may happen. But that puts you under almost constant stress. This adds to your overall anxiety levels and ultimately triggers another attack. And during such an attack you won't face up to it and recognize it for what it is. That is, it happens as a result of your fear of having another one in the first place!


First, here are 4 key fundamentals of how to stop panic attacks without medication...

1. A panic attack need only be an isolated attack. There is no medical reason why you should suffer any more.

2. Further panic attacks are the result of your fear of having another one. Get rid of the fear and you'll stop the panic attacks.

3. No one has ever died of a panic attack. Even although you experience feelings of doom during one, you absolutely aren't going to die.

4. Don't run away from the fear or try to block it. Instead embrace it and meet it head-on.

Okay, practically speaking, how do you stop a panic attack without using drug-based medication? Well, you need a technique, of which there are several. Here is one that you can try...

Because you've suffered at least one panic attack, if not more, in the past, you should be able to spot the onset of one. Now, instead of letting your fear control your emotions, take back control. Do this by embracing the fear...

Face it head-on and understand it for what it is. You now know that you won't die. You now know that it's your fear that is causing the attack, nothing else. So wrap your arms around it a tell it to do its worst. Actually want to, and tell it to, make the symptoms worse than they are.

Here's the thing: when you do that you'll have broken the illusion because you will have shown no fear through the very act of demanding that your anxiety make the symptoms of the attack even worse. If you do this successfully, you'll discover that you can stop the panic attack very quickly.

It may take some practice at first before you're completely successful, or, you may find success the first time around. But once having done this successfully your fear of another attack will have been massively reduced and so too your chances of having another attack.

Furthermore, if you wish to get the facts on a special technique that has been said to stop panic attacks in as little as 21 seconds and reduce anxiety in as little as 7 minutes, then please visit: today.

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Effects of Pomegranate Juice On Prostate Cancer

Although the survival rate of five years for men with prostate cancer has increased from 67% in the 1970s to 90% in recent years, prostate cancer is still the United State’s most common cancer, aside from skin cancer, and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men. 

The primary method of management for this disease is either radical surgery or radiation therapy. In this study, researchers sought to determine whether pomegranate juice consumption would have an effect on PSA (prostate-specific antigen) progression in patients who have undergone primary management to cure the disease, as those patients who have had primary management to cure the disease and no documented evidence of metastatic disease have limited treatment options.

The pomegranate fruit, which has been used for centuries for its medicinal purposes, shows potent antioxidant and anti-artherosclerotic properties which are accredited to its high content of polyphenols. 

To study the possible effects of pomegranate juice, researchers conducted a 2-year clinical trial at the Clark Urologic Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles. 

Those patients who were eligible has a detectable PSA between 0.2 and 5 ng/mL, no hormonal therapy before entering the study, no evidence of metastatic disease, and a Gleason score less than or equal to seven. 

The Gleason test is used to grade the severity of prostate cancer based on the five patterns that prostate tumor cells go through as they change from normal cells. PSA, which is an antigen in the blood that is measured to track the progression of prostate cancer, usually signifies presence or growth of cancer when it is elevated. 

The time that is required for the PSA to double demonstrates the rate of growth of the cancer. So in general, PSA rises slowly as it matches the fact that prostate cancer is a slow-growing cancer. 

In this study, each patient had a minimum of three pretreatment PSA values measured over a minimum of six months before they entered the study. Each patient was treated with eight ounces of pomegranate juice, by mouth, daily until the disease progressed. 

The patients showed a fifteen percent reduction in resistance of their serum samples, a twelve percent decrease in cell proliferation, a seventeen percent increase in apoptosis reduction in oxidative state, and a twenty-three percent increase in serum nitric oxide was also reported. 

No serious side-effects were reported and the treatment was well tolerated by its patients. The researches concluded that this study showed significant results that pomegranate juice had many positive effects on those men dealing with prostate cancer. 

However, the researchers feel that further research is needed to prove the validity of the tests. The results are being further tested in another study which began in April of 2006. 

The ability of pomegranate juices doses to produce predefined alteration in PSA kinetics is being compared to the change observed in the control group in this new study.

The results demonstrated from this study are positive and there will be further research into other plant polyphenols which could possibly mediate similar effects. So don’t forget to have your pomegranate or herbal tea high in polyphenols.

Please visit VitaNet health foods where a large selection of Pomegranate can be found in extracts and concentrates.


How the Weather Affects Your Psyche

Author: RoseannaLeaton

When the sun shines most people notice that their mood is enhanced. Scientists have also noted the automatic physiological response in our brains and bodies as endorphins are released when we are bathed in sunlight; endorphins which provide us with a soothing feel-good factor.

A friend was commenting the other day that if she doesn't see a blue sky for a few days she feels really low. As she said, the weather doesn't even have to be warm; she just needs to see the brightness of a blue sky. I agree. I like brightness. Most people prefer to see a bright landscape as opposed to a dull and dark one. Your mood is affected considerably by your environment; this is an inevitable and inescapable fact.

It's not just the sun which affects your psyche and sense of well-being. Other aspects of the weather can affect you too. Think of Aesop's fable about the competition which the wind and the sun had over the traveler who was walking along the road wearing a coat. The wind blew ever stronger and the traveler wrapped the coat closer to his body. The sun came out and very quickly the traveler took off his coat.

How does the wind affect you? Some people love the wind, other people do not. I personally find that the wind irritates me; I dislike the feeling of being pushed around (especially when I'm trying to putt and want to stay still and stroke the ball gently along the line!). If there is a lot of wind I feel as if it's fighting me; it disturbs my calm and tranquility, and in a sense interferes with my peace of mind.

I know that this is not the point of Aesop's fable; that is to do with kindness affecting more than severity. But even in this fable, the wind is portrayed as severity and negativity whilst the sun represents kindness and positivity.

We use many terms in day to day language which reflect our instinctive reactions to the weather's effect on our psyche. We say "he's a warm person" or "she's a cold person", "I'm feeling bright today" or "I'm feeling dull today" or we may observe that a person is "whipping up a storm". These are just a few examples of us acknowledging that the weather has an intrinsic effect upon us.

For most of us we can do little about the weather conditions in which we live. We take holidays when we can; we "travel to the sun" to get a winter time break if we have the necessary resources to do so, in terms of both time and money. But what can you do if you are stuck in a dark, damp, windy place and just cannot get away? How can you boost your mood and lift your spirits to counteract the instinctive effect of the weather upon your psyche?

Many people who suffer from SAD use light boxes. That's one thing that you can do. Other people focus on exercise to lift their spirits and to release endorphins for a boost to their sense of well-being. Some people eat their favorite foods or go to the movies or watch a comedy.

There are in fact many things that you can do to help yourself to feel a little brighter. One of the easiest things is to use your imagination to allow yourself to mentally drift off to a warm and sunny place. This is amazingly effective and easy to do with the help of self hypnosis mp3 downloads.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in self hypnosis mp3 downloads for health and well being.

P.S. Discover how easy it is to focus your mind with hypnosis; grab yourself a free hypnosis mp3 from my website now.

About the Author

Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from Check out her library of hypnosis downloads and lift your mood with her endorphin generator mp3.

Natural Gout Pain Relief With Celery Seeds

Author: John Cielo

For natural gout pain relief many gout sufferers have found celery seeds to be effective. Here, you'll learn why and how to use them for natural pain relief instead of drugs.


Although drug-based medications can reduce inflammation, relieve pain and lower uric acid levels, they do have some really nasty side effects. Typical of these are; nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bleeding, ulcers, skin allergies, and so on.

And these drugs only work whilst they are being taken. For example drugs to lower uric acid and maintain those lower levels, need to be taken over the longer term, months, even years.

Which is why many gout sufferers seek natural home remedies for their gout. And there are many such natural treatments for gout out there. But, according to many gout sufferers, celery seeds make up one of the best natural remedies for their gout.


Celery is a biennial plant that has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is of the Apiaceae family and is related to parsley, carrots, dill and fennel.

Celery seeds are actually very tiny fruit and are cultivated for their many natural health benefits, one of which is their use in arthritis, especially gout.

The seeds have more than 20 types of anti-inflammatory properties. And their use for pain relief was recorded as far back as 30 AD by Aulus Cornelius Celsus. They can also reduce uric acid levels in the blood.

So, they are an excellent choice of natural treatment for gout.


First off, the seeds you use shouldn't be the seeds you get for cultivation as these are likely to have been treated with a fungicide. You need to use celery seeds from a herbalist or health food shop which are for consumption.

The preparation is rather simple...

(1) Put 1 tablespoon of celery seeds into 2 cups of water and boil until the seeds are soft.

(2) Strain the seeds from the mixture and dispose of them, leaving only the hot 'tea' left.

(3) Drink a half a cup of the celery seed tea four times a day until your gout symptoms have abated.

Important Note:-

Since celery seeds are a natural diuretic, you must not use this remedy if you are a pregnant women or if you suffer from kidney dysfunction or kidney disease. And, of course, if you suffer from a celery allergy then you must not use this remedy either.


Although celery seeds can be very effective in getting rid of gout pain and the symptoms of an attack, you need to actually prevent recurring gout attacks as these can lead to permanent joint damage and / or kidney problems over time.

So you need, not only to get gout pain relief, but to do something positive to prevent your gout happening again and again. As well as other natural remedies, this involves things like your lifestyle, diet, weight, medications you might be taking, underlying medical conditions, etc.

You're in luck though. There's a special gout report available online [see below] that has all the information you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.

And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.

If you want to get gout pain relief in 2 hours, plus, prevent your gout returning in the future, then go to and discover how you can quickly do both without expensive drugs with their horrible side effects.

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Bee Pollen Fertility

Author: David Whittle

Healthy sperm is not necessarily a given. Lifestyle factors can have an effect on the effectiveness of your sperm which can result in a low sperm count usually caused by:

loss of libido
being overweight
prostate problems
being unfit
excess alcohol
prescription medications

For the most part these problems can be reduced by lifestyle changes which will increase overall health and fitness.

Infertility in women

Generally, a woman's infertility is caused when there is no ovulation, which in turn means that there are no eggs produced to be used for fertilization.

There are a number of possible reasons for this such as:

being overweight
general health problems
prescribed medications

As you can see there are some common factors between men and women and these are lifestyle choices.

However, if you maintain a healthy weight, take daily physical exercise (such as walking), reduce your stress and eat healthy food then these are the habits that will help in your plan to become pregnant.

How can bee pollen for fertility be an answer?

Bee pollen is absolutely packed with al the nutrients needed for life and is rich in amino acids which has been shown to improve sperm count. Added to this are the vitamins A, B Complex (which includes B12 necessary for fertility), C and D plus minerals and antioxidants.

This pollen is known as a superfood and it:

balances the metabolism, and therefore weight,
improves energy and stamina
increases estrogen levels
boosts the immune system
gives an overall increase in libido

All benefits needed in your search for a healthy pregnancy and an improved sperm count.

By combining this superfood with an improved lifestyle your chances of becoming pregnant are vastly increased.

Where is the best place to get bee pollen for fertility?

If you feel that this is worth trying then you will want to get the best bee pollen.

Pollen that is harvested in countries such as the US and China will most likely contain toxic chemicals due to the high population levels and heavy industry.

The best bee pollen is found in a country which is incredibly pristine and where the population is very small, there is next to zero industry and where pesticides and chemical fertilizers are banned.

That country is New Zealand, in the Southern Ocean, where the air is clean and where bee pollen supplements are manufactured and tested to international pharmaceutical standards.

These are a few points to consider in your search for pregnancy and whether you use bee pollen for fertility or not we can only wish you the best of luck!

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About the Author

David Whittle has for many years been a researcher and very strong supporter of natural cures whenever possible for the curing of physical problems and ailments. His latest health website is

Bee pollen located in the pristine area of New Zealand is totally natural and unpolluted in any way.

Visit his bee pollen supplement guide bee pollen fertility to learn much more about the many benefits of bee pollen.

Bee Pollen Side Effects

Author: David Whittle

Bee pollen side effects are possible despite the extremely life enhancing properties of this pollen. It is a food, and as with all foods the potential for side effects is there for some sensitive people.

Minor side effects

There are minor adverse effects which could appear when you begin to take bee pollen but which will disappear again quite quickly. These could be any one of the following:

a feeling of nausea
skin flushes or rash upset stomach
face, eyes and throat feeling prickly.

These are all possible side effects that you could suffer from and this could be any one, or none of the symptoms.

Most people do not suffer any bee pollen side effects.

Important side effects to consider

Extremely rare is a more severe side effect, and this is an anaphylactic reaction. This reaction can cause tightness in the throat and chest followed by swelling and closure of the airways, which left untreated could prove to be fatal.

What is this anaphylactic reaction?

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction.

It can be triggered by many foods.The most common and well known are peanuts, milk, eggs, wheat, tree nuts, shellfish and fish.

Alternatively, it can be triggered by a reaction to medicine or insect stings.

Who should stay away from bee pollen?

People who need to avoid this pollen are:

someone who in the past has had an anaphylactic shock or
an allergic reaction to bee stings or venom,
who has asthma,
has a sensitivity to honey,
is sensitive to airborne pollens,
is a breast feeding mother.

I don't think this applies to me but ……

Yes, we all need to be careful when we start to take a new medicine, or eat a new type of food, and the secret is start slowly!

When you decide that you would like to start using this superfood then start with the smallest dose possible for the first few days and monitor any possible negative effects.After a few days, work up to the recommended dosage.

Most people have no reactions whatsoever and go on to enjoy the many health benefits.

Nevertheless, as always, if you have any doubts about this and want to clear up any doubts then we recommend you discuss this with your medical practitioner.

Good quality supplements minimize any adverse effects

Whatever your reasons for taking a bee pollen supplement then your wisest course is to get good quality supplements, which will not only minimize any possible bee pollen side effects, but will also ensure that you are getting the maximum benefits from the supplement.

Some bee pollen out there comes from highly industrialized countries where the pollen is often found to contain toxins from all the pollution and insecticides.

We use and recommend a company that not only manufactures to GMP pharmaceutical standards but which sources its bee pollen from what is one of the few truly pristine environments in the world – New Zealand.

This is a country with little industry, low population, and where the prevailing winds come across the Southern Ocean from Antarctica.

Clean air indeed.

We have highlighted the rare but possible side effects of bee pollen but we would again like to stress that these are very rare cases.There are many health benefits to be gained by you from this wonderful food without experiencing any bee pollen side effects.

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About the Author

David Whittle is a health expert and a long time user of natural supplements.
Visit his website today at to learn more about the bee pollen supplements that will give you a healthy life.

Visit his bee pollen supplement guide for bee pollen health benefits to learn much more about bee pollen.

Head Lice Vinegar - Effective And Good For Your Hair

Author: Paula Tooney

There are several types of vinegar but they have one common feature: vinegar will help you have beautiful healthy hair and it can also be the main ingredient of powerful home remedies. In particular, it can be very effective against head lice.

Different types of vinegar

- Red Wine Vinegar: it has been used for centuries for both medicinal and culinary purposes. It is used all over the world, especially in Mediterranean countries, in various recipes, and also as a pickling agent for fruits and vegetables. Its color can vary from light rose to deep red and its acid content can vary from 5 to 7%.

- White Wine Vinegar: this type of vinegar is light flavored and is used for cooking. It is also a good base for making infused vinegars with various herbs, spices or fruits. Its color can vary from white to pale gold and it has the same acid content as red wine vinegar, which means it varies from 5 to 7%.

- White Vinegar: unlike white wine vinegar, which is made from wine, white vinegar is distilled vinegar. It is usually more acid than wine vinegar, with a 5% acidity level. Thus this vinegar is harsh and has a sharp flavor. It is cheaper than other types of vinegar, and it can readily be found in most grocery stores. Large amounts of white distilled vinegar are produced every year and this vinegar is widely used in the food industry, mainly for pickling.

Vinegar and hair care

Vinegar has been used for a long time as a natural hair care product to promote healthy hair. Its acidity is close to that of natural hair, and it's both a good conditioner and a good cleaning agent. It is also an effective germ killer and can be used as a home remedy.

Vinegar can be used to rinse the hair. Your hair will highly benefit from it and be smoother and shinier. You can even make your own hair rinse by mixing 75 ml of vinegar, preferably white vinegar because its acidity is higher, with 1 liter of water. This vinegar rinse should be applied to the hair after your shampoo. You can also leave the rinse on your hair as a conditioner.

If you have dandruff or an itchy scalp, you can also consider using vinegar. Again, choose white vinegar and apply it to your scalp, rub it well into your hair's roots and leave it there for about half an hour to an hour and then wash your hair. This works because vinegar is powerful in destroying germs, and this is exactly what causes dandruff to appear: it is a bacteria and a fungus that cause dandruff and itchy scalp.

Vinegar as a head lice home remedy

Yes, vinegar, and especially white vinegar, can help you eliminate lice effectively. Most over-the-counter products and prescriptions drugs to treat head lice are in fact pesticides that can be dangerous for health and none of them is anyway harmless to your health. If you prefer to use a natural treatment, here is what you can do.

First, mix together 3 parts olive oil and 1 part lavender essential oil. Put this into your hair, rub it well on your scalp; the hair should be saturated with the mixture. Wrap the hair with a shower cap or a plastic wrap and leave it on for at least 3 hours. What happens is the olive oil will prevent lice from breathing because it clogs their breathing pores.

Then, rinse the hair with white vinegar and water. The rinse should contain 30 ml vinegar for 500 ml water. This works because it will dissolve the cement that glues the nits to your hair and help remove them.

Eventually, take a fine-tooth comb or preferably a head lice comb, and comb the hair meticulously to remove all the nits from the hair shaft. You can then wash the hair with a natural soft shampoo.You should then monitor the head lice treatment by checking the hair every other day for the next 10 days, and if needed repeat the treatment.

Vinegar is a cheap and effective head lice remedy and it can rid you of these parasites. It can also be used as a remedy for many other diseases and conditions. And it is definitely a great hair care product.

Get your free mini-course on how to kill head lice naturally with head lice vinegar and other home remedies: visit now.

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Vinegar : Islamic Medicine

Author: The Islam Show

Prophet Muhammad (saws) liked vinegar. Modern medicine also acknowledge its anti-cough, anti-inflammation and digestive properties

By Dr. Hassan Shamsi Basha

Jabir narrated, "The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, took me one day with him to his house. He was served some bread. He asked: `Is there any dip?' They replied ‘No, only some vinegar.' He said, ‘Vinegar is a good dip.'

Jabir used to say, "I have loved vinegar since I heard it from Allah's Prophet". And Talhah ibn Naf'a said, "I have loved vinegar since I heard it from Jabir." (Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasaa'i)
What is Vinegar and Why is it a Good Dip?

Vinegar is made by fermenting the juice of sweet fruits and grains such as barley, apple and grape. The process of creating vinegar entails fermenting in an aerobic environment (in the presence of oxygen) as opposed to alcoholic fermentation, which is done in an anaerobic environment (in the absence of oxygen).

The alcohol in these liquids is oxidized to acetic acid. Vinegar contains 4 per cent or more acetic acid. Its colour and tastes differ depending on its base.

Vinegar contains small amounts of protein and starch. 100g of vinegar has only 16 calories. It also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, zinc and chlorine but it has no vitamins.

Ibn Seena (died 1037 CE) wrote in his famous book Al-Qanoon fit Tibb (the Canon of Medicine), that vinegar is a powerful clotting agent. If poured on an external wound, it will stop the bleeding and prevent swelling. It aids digestion and is an expectorant.

It helps with felons (inflammation of the tissues of a finger or toe) and carbuncles (a kind of skin inflammation). It acts quickly on burns. When mixed with old and applied to the head, it helps with headaches caused by heat. It strengthens gums. It is an appetizer and aids digestion.
Vinegar is treating External Injuries

The Martin-Dale Encyclopaedia of Pharmaceuticals 1989 indicated that vinegar has many beneficial uses. Some are :

To treat poisoning by alkaline (non-acidic) substances.

To help reduce fevers by applying a cold pad to the forehead which is soaked with vinegar and water.

To cure ‘black hairy tongue.' a disease caused due to intake of antibiotics like penicillin, tetracycline by using vinegar once or twice daily for a week.

To soothe pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis by applying a pad soaked with vinegar and water to painful joints.

To treat bee and jellyfish stings by applying a mixture of equal amounts of salt and vinegar to the sting, relieving the pain and preventing inflammation.
Cider Vinegar

Professor John B.Yudkin wrote in the 1986 edition of the Penguin Encyclopaedia of Nutrition that Cider vinegar is known for its ability to cure several diseases. It helps in treating joint pain, rhinitis (inflammation of the nose), asthma and gastric disorders and is helps in losing weight."

Slight cases of diarrhoea are a way by which the body gets rid of harmful substances that enter the digestive system. The 1989 edition of Dr. Micheal Sharon's book, Complete Nutrition, stated that vinegar aids in treating diarrhoea. It should be taken as one to two tea spoons of vinegar in a glass of boiled or mineral water several times a day.

Complete Nutrition also states. "Vinegar performs the role of disinfectant for the intestines. Some people advise it to be used for gargle for the mouth and throat. It disinfects the inside of the mouth from germs. The usual dosage for gargle is to mix one to three tea spoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water, in morning and at night."

Dr. Sharon ends his argument about cider vinegar by saying: "We always have to remember that cider vinegar will not have the same effect on everyone. Some may benefit from it and some may not. Very few people may be allergic to vinegar. Nevertheless vinegar is beneficial for the majority of people.

Didn't the Prophet (saws) say, "Vinegar is a good dip."

(Courtesy Al-Jumuah)

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About the Author

Nasir Pasha, 36 Years, B.E Electrical and Electronic, Loving Father, Husband, Author, Thinker, Reader, strongly believe peace is the only way to solve all problems of the world.

Vinegar Cure For Toe Nail Fungus

Author: Nicky Pilkington

Among the many home remedies and empiric cures spread by word of mouth, vinegar is one of the best known ways to cure toe nail fungus. Whether white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, this is the cheapest treatment intended to eradicate fungal infections from toenails or fingernails.

Most vinegar cure toe nail fungus consists of daily foot baths in a solution of 50% water and 50% vinegar. It is suggested to alternate and mix hot baths and cold baths, although in either case, it is necessary to keep your feet soaking for at least 30 minutes. People who have successfully tried this treatment recommend 3 baths a day, morning, noon and evening.

The acidity of vinegar relieves the itching and repairs the PH balance, necessary to combat fungi, the microorganism responsible for toenail fungus. Vinegar is a sour tasting liquid, resulting from the oxidation of ethanol in fermented fruit juice, cider, beer, wine, and other liquids containing alcohol.

There are several types of vinegar, including malt vinegar, wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, fruit vinegar, balsamic vinegar, rice vinegar, coconut vinegar, cane vinegar, raisin vinegar, beer vinegar, honey vinegar, Chinese black vinegar, and other flavored vinegars. The vinegar cure toe nail fungus remedies can take advantage of whichever of these vinegars, despite all of them are culinary.

However, vinegar has been used for medical purposes since ancient times. In China, it was the prescribed medication to prevent the spread of virus, while in Greece, ancient medical texts made reference of the different uses and qualities of vinegar. Today, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is the most used for the treatment of fungal infections, being more useful as astringent than ice.

Apple cider vinegar can reduce the inflammation, hence the pain associated with some stages of fungal infections, and combined with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) kills bacteria and viruses. From a vinegar cure toe nail fungus, we can say that fungi are a sort of bacteria causing the fungal infection.

Some people report that the use of either vinegar applied directly on the base of the nail twice a day, is even better that soaking your feet. However, you must make sure that vinegar will remain in place long enough to benefit from its action. Just 2 drops of Vinegar cure toe nail fungus, improves the condition and eventually may help to clear up the condition.

Vinegar is acid, and toe nail fungus does not like acidic environments. Besides all vinegars are non-toxic so drinking vinegar will not harm you, although the taste is not always pleasant.

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About the Author

For more information about Nail Fungus and Vinegar Cures for Toe nail fungus you can check out

Recognise The Early Signs Of Toenail Fungus

Author: Nicky Pilkington

Some people may have certain discoloration on their nails that are not necessarily the result of a fungal infection. 

Due to this reason, it is necessary to differentiate common signs of toenail fungus as early as possible, because this infection is sometimes hard to eradicate, and only improves and clears up after long periods of time undergoing treatment.

The most common signs of toenail fungus include yellowish or brownish of the nail, but also simple discoloration, followed by thickening of the nail, dryness with accumulating layers along nail edges and under it, as well as breakage or brittle crumbling of the nail.

A health care provider or a podiatrist can diagnose this condition quickly at a glance.

They can also help you to find the best treatment for your toenail fungus. Based on the damage that the fungi has caused to your nail, sometimes you might be in risk of losing your toenail if the condition is not treated in time, besides the risk of the infection spreading to other nails on your foot.

Signs of toenail fungus are usually more pronounced on the big toenail. In fact, most of feet fungal infections occur exclusively on the big toenail, also the "favorite victim" for nail loosening, being the first to fall off when the fungal infection enters into the advanced phase. 

Both podiatrists and dermatologist are fully qualified to prescribe a treatment if you feel uncomfortable visiting your doctor.

Because fungal toenail infections are relatively common, signs of toenail fungus are often confused with athlete's foot, although these are 2 different conditions, although occurring with similar fungal patterns. 

After feet and nails are examined, a health care provider may trim away as much of the nail as possible to prevent spreading the infection, and preparing the nail for the treatment.

Having signs that suggest both toenail fungus and athlete's foot may require a sample of toenail to diagnose it accurately after testing in a laboratory. 

Fungi are responsible for toenail fungus, so if you detect in time the signs of this infection, you can clear the fungal condition easily.

Fungi can live undetected for many months lying on a nail bed, just waiting for the opportunity to strike, so taking some preventative measures before it actually occurs, including proper inspection of toes, feet and shoes, decreases the chances of developing this or any other fungi infection.

Avoid walking barefoot in public facilities, particularly if they are places with moist conditions, such as showers, locker rooms, or pools, and always be aware of the signs of toenail fungus and contact your health care provider immediately.

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About the Author

For more information about Nail Fungus and Signs of Toenail Fungus you can check out

Using Flaxseed To Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

 by: Blog_King

The number of people being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has grown considerably over the years. This is not a result of more cases in the populations but is probably a result of better diagnostic methods and a better understanding of the disease.

People who suffer with this syndrome have difficulty with many parts of daily living. Some people describe the problem as similar to having concussion or brain injury. A person can be tired, feel foggy, have difficulty moving, or many other symptoms. It is important that any person with unexplained symptoms see a doctor to rule out Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

There are many treatments that may help with this dreadful disease. A doctor who specializes in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can help determine the best course of treatment. Many doctors will recommend a combination of treatments to include some natural supplements. One such supplement is flaxseed which has been found to be a beneficial natural treatment.

How Flaxseed Works

In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome it is thought that, through viral attacks, cells may have a reduced ability to produce the essential fatty acids needed to help the body function normally. There are several fatty acids that play a crucial role in normal body functioning. These essential fatty acids can be found in healthy oils produced in a variety of natural ingredients including flaxseed.

A person who supplements their diet with flaxseed will improve any deficiency they have and will help the body to be able to return to normal functioning. They may find that taking flaxseed is the key to improving their health and being able to live a normal fatigue free life.

 Studies have not confirmed or ruled out this theory but the fact that many people are deficient in their essential fatty acids would make taking supplemental flaxseed a good decision regardless.

How To Take Flaxseed

Flaxseed can be taken as the seed or in oil form where the essential oils have been removed from the seed. The person will want to be sure if they take the seed form that they use a crushed or powdered form since the whole seed is not easily digested and may just pass through the digestive tract. The oil can be taken by the teaspoonful or can be used in recipes. 

The crushed or powdered seed can be mixed in a drink or can be mixed in butter or mayonnaise and used as a spread. It is important for a person to not use the flaxseed in cooking as high temperatures damage to oils decreasing their effectiveness.
About the Author

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Omega3 Flaxseeds Blog. For more great helpful information about Omega3 Flaxseeds visit The Omega3 Flaxseeds Blog

A Home Remedy For Acne - Nigella

Author: Belinda Marshall

The nigella sativa, also known as the fennel flower, is a plant that has been cultivated for thousands of years and is used for medicinal purposes as a home remedy for acne and also as a spice. The plant is native of southwest Asia. For many years western civilisations have been unaware of its significance but it is now beginning to gain some recognition.

How Does Nigella Make a Good Home Remedy For Acne?

Nigella possesses an enermous number of properties and more than 200 types of complex chemical compounds such as alanine, cystine, glycine, linolenic-acid and potassium. It also has many properties that make it an effective home remedy for acne - it is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatorym analgesic, antipyretics and antineoplastic.

Nigella can also strengthen the immune system which is another way in which it is useful as a home remedy for acne. When the immune system is weak, the oil producing sebaceous glands and hair follicles within the skin are stimulated and become inflamed which causes an excess of sebum to be produced. Excessive sebum clogs the hair follicles which causes the acne breakout.

How to use Nigella as a Home Remedy For Acne

It is possible to buy nigella seeds in their natural form from an organic store and you can use these in cooking but you may need to get a little creative with your recipes as it is not really an everyday ingredient in western diets!

Perhaps a better way to use nigella as a home remedy for acne is to buy a good quality Nigella Sativa Oil as this contains all of the active ingredients of the seeds. Some brands of this oil also have other ingredients that are beneficial to your health such as omega 6 and omega 3.

Stir one teaspoon of the nigella oil into a bowl of very hot water and then hold your head over the bowl with a towel covering your head and the bowl.

This will cause steam to rise which opens up the pores of the skin. The oil vaporizes and impregnates the skin through the open pores. Continue with this facial steam for around 15 minutes or as long as the steam continues to rise and then wash the face with cool water.

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Tea Tree Oil Soap Recipe

Author: James J Clarkson

All the major brands selling natural and wellness products, have introduce the products containing tea tree oil. The customer preference for natural products have made it an important ingredient in cosmetic and medicinal products requiring antiseptic, anti fungal and anti inflammatory products.

So what exactly is tea tree oil? It is obtained from steam distillation of melaleuca alternifolia tree found in New South Wales, Australia. It was used by Australian Bundjalung aborigines to treat skin conditions by crushing the leaves and using pulp over affected area.

British Explorers used the leaves for making tea from where it got its name. It was only in 1920 when Dr. Arthur Penfold, researched its antiseptic properties and it came in lime light. The use of it as an antiseptic never really grew till the Second World War; however with advent of synthetic antiseptic it lost its important. Only in 1980's and 1990's with consumers preferring natural product it has bounce back.

Uses of Tea Tree Oil:

•Antibacterial : Recent studies in London and West Australia have found that it can be used to counter hospital super bug , Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) , this bug infect people having depressed immune system or post- operative infection. This infection to most of conventional antibiotics other than Vancomycin. The tea tree oil is a powerful alternative.

•Antiseptic: It is an excellent antiseptic can be used for cuts, acne, insect bites, infected wound, lices, diaper rash, sunburn etc...

•Anti inflammatory : It can be used for hemorrhoids, arthritis, sprain and gout
•Analgesic : It can be used for relief from pain.

•Anti Fungal : It also has Anti Fungal function which can take care of athlete's foot , onychomycosis(Infection of the nails) ,albicans, jock itch, thrush, ringworm and eczema.

•Household: It can be used as a disinfectant or deodorizer for washing diapers, treat household plants.
•Personal care: Toothpaste and mouth wash with tea tree oil are available. Adding few drops to regular toothpaste or mouth wash is good for teeth and gum. However, it is recommended to avoid swallowing it.

As tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic, antibacterial and anti fungal, its soap that heals bruises, cuts and other skin condition like dermatitis, acne and psoriasis. Soap, shampoo containing it is increasing being used for healthy living. One can add 2 teaspoon to any liquid soap gentle olive oil based to make it antiseptic. Liquid soaps, body wash and wipes are also available containing tea tree oil.

The tea tree soaps available in stores contain tea tree oil, glycerin, sorbitol with a vegetable soap base. These soaps have natural purifying, antibacterial properties help soothe blemished skin and natural deodorant. The soap has deep cleanses action on skin; it refreshes and stimulate skin and remove dead skin cells. The tea tree oil is suitable for all kind of skin.

To make tree tea oil soap at home, you need the following ingredients:

•2 cup glycerin soap base
•2 Table spoon Tea Tree oil

Melt glycerin base in a double boiler, blend with the oil and pour in a mold. Glycerin is gentle to the skin and is also a moisturizer. It also does not need lye and fat. Only precaution is to keep heat as low as possible to avoid it getting beaded or mushy appearance. After it is done pack in plastic container to keep glycerin from attracting moisture.

Another recipe to make 2 lb of Tea tree oil and lavender oil soap requires:

•24 oz Olive oil
•8 oz Palm kernel oil (25%)
•4.38 oz Lye (6% superfat)
•8.8 oz of goat milk **
•1 oz lavender essential oil
•5 oz tea tree oil
•2 TBSP lavender powder
•2 TBSP Oat meal powder

** Lavender tea, Oatmeal milk, soy milk may be substituted for goat milk

1.Freeze the goat milk or its substitute in a container.
2.Add Lye very slowly to goat milk and keep stirring.
3.Prevent container from getting too hot.
4.Once mixed cool the mixture and add slowly Palm Kernel oil (It should be melted)
5.Add lavender oil and the oil followed by lavender powder and Oat meal powder.
6.Add Olive oil mix the solution and pour in a mould.

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